We help you seize new opportunities with talented people on your side
ManpowerGrouptm is a company with more than 75 years of industry experience, offering comprehensive human resources solutions to help clients succeed in the “talent era”. Our solutions cover all employers’ needs from talent sourcing and recruitment, to talent assessment, training and development, to agency employment, outsourcing and outplacement.
ManpowerGroup has the world’s largest human resources network with nearly 3,900 offices in more than 80 countries. This creates a dynamic combination of global reach with knowledge and experience in regional labour markets. Our clients range from small and medium-sized businesses in all industries to the largest multinational corporations. ManpowerGroup provides solutions within its companies Talent Solutions, Manpower and Manpower IT.
Specialised recruitment

Manpower IT offers highly skilled professionals and project solutions based on best practices. Whether you need IT administration, consulting or development, we can help you with everything. Give your business a boost and take full advantage of other business opportunities.

Our experienced consultants with market knowledge, industry specialization and individual approach will help you find top candidates for highly specialized and managerial positions in finance, HR, marketing, sales, administration, law, services and more.

We have an extensive network of dedicated engineering talent. We can provide you with professional resources tailored to your business, whether you are looking for a designer, quality engineer, R&D project team or architect.
Company values and sustainable development goals
We know how important work is in a person’s life. We are aware that people (our employees, customers and candidates) contribute to our success, so we take the best possible care of them.
We share our knowledge, experience and information. We can tell everyone what is currently happening on the labour market and what is coming up in the near future. We actively support development and use our experience to improve relationships, solutions and services.
We are on the cutting edge of developments in the world of work. We strive to constantly innovate, work on ourselves and evolve. We’re always thinking of new ways to do things better.
In 2015, all UN member states adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which show the direction humanity should take over the next 15 years. The individual objectives focus on different areas – from ecology to the social situation to technological progress – and tell us how we can contribute to their success. ManpowerGroup recognises the importance of this programme and is actively involved in it. In particular, it focuses on the following 4 objectives:
- Quality education
- Equality between men and women
- Dignity of work
- Less inequality
CSR projects
At ManpowerGroup we believe that young people are our future. We disagree with the common perception that members of the upcoming generation do not want to work, do not tolerate criticism, are not resilient enough, are volatile and only want to do what they enjoy. We believe that every person has potential that is just waiting to be awakened. This potential does not depend on gender, skin colour, education or background; every person, regardless of their background, should have the opportunity to prepare themselves to enter the world of work and fulfil their potential.
We build on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our thinking is based on three pillars:
- READY FOR WORK – It is important to prepare each person for the world of work.
- SKILLING UP – The ability to learn is a key competence of the future.
- INTEGRACE & INKLUZE – Everyone should have the opportunity to work and fulfil their potential.
We support two non-formal education organisations that work intensively with young people:
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Our partners
What it looks like / Living Office Manpowergroup
Moto: „The Living Office is where you want, not need, to go to work.“
Can the work environment proudly proclaim the company’s intentions and speak volumes about its business priorities? Can it speak to all who enter it about who you are? Of course it can, but most workplaces are not like that. The vast majority of them offer a standardized, one-size-fits-all solution that could equally serve other prospective tenants of the space.
Modern offices should be attractive, enabling the application and development of each individual’s skills and abilities and encouraging the individual personalities that drive innovation and performance and that bring the company’s strategy to life. The Living Office concept provides employees with something that cannot be found anywhere else: a spiritual connection to work and colleagues, a platform for increased performance and efficiency, and a more natural personal experience of collaboration and creation.
The aim of the Living Office concept is to move away from monotonous meeting rooms and standardised workplaces towards a layout that is varied and meaningfully arranged to meet the requirements of people engaged in different activities. “The enthusiasm and benefits that are shared lead to better results for individuals and entire companies,” says Jan Bastař of cre8, the company that introduced the unique Living Office concept to the Czech market and which also implemented the solution for the new space of ManpowerGroup’s headquarters and two of its branches in the premises of Prague’s Florentinum.
Alone or as part of a team
No matter what kind of work you do, whether you work alone or in a team, you will find employees in every workplace around the world engaged in one of these ten types of activities. Living Office offers employees ten possible workplace layouts. Each of them represents a spatial solution that takes into account the optimal arrangement of work tools, furniture elements and the entire surrounding environment.
Its aim is to best support the activities of individuals and teams in a way that employees can really feel and appreciate. Each Living Office environment is made up of optimally selected possible configurations to help bring the company’s strategy to life. To do this, the layout of the space should activate people and encourage choice and foster social connections – much like a vibrant city.
Události CZECH TV, July 17, 2015 (Report from ManpowerGroup Living Office)
Cooperation with Labour Offices
Project “Educate for Growth! – Job Opportunities”
Between 2007 and 2015, socially useful jobs (SJWPs) are also being reserved under the project “Educate for Growth! – employment opportunities”, which is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic under the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme.
In the period from 1 November 2014 to 30 June 2015, the employer/employment intermediary ManpowerGroup s.r.o., ID No.: 411 94 659, supported 3 jobs at SÚPM with the amount of CZK 435,326, of which the amount of the contribution from the European Social Fund was 85%, i.e. CZK 370,027, and from the state budget of the Czech Republic was 15%, i.e. CZK 65,299.
The jobs supported under the SÚPM are aimed at providing professional practice in a graduated field or specialisation to candidates up to 30 years of age, graduates of secondary, higher and university schools. The support for the employment of jobseekers up to the age of 30 is in line with the Council (EPSCO) Recommendation 6944/13 of 28 February 2013 on Youth Guarantees, which requires Member States to address the growing youth unemployment in the European Union and to take appropriate measures to activate young people.